Python Code

I wrote the list using Notepad++ which is a free editor
Using Notepad++ you can change the settings to show line numbers
this does not put line numbers in your text it simply shows line numbers on the side
This way you can change around the order of the songs without having to change any numbers.

The python program will add the line numbers and create the html including any links you have in the list.

The PASI format is used to determine the table cells and links
PASI was a programming language I invented as an alternative the to LISP (List Processor) programming Language.

In LISP lists and sub-lists are delineated by parenthesis. PASI used commas and semi-colons to separate items in a list. 

This is code is rather quick and dirty, I kept it simple and did not use functions or classes.
import os
if os.path.exists("C:\\Music\\demo.txt"):

f = open("C:\\Music\\top250.txt")

n = 1
thislist = []


for text in f:
  text = text.strip()
  if ";" in text:     
      linkList = text.split(";")
      linkText = ''.join(linkList[0]) 
      newList = linkText.split(",")
      begText = "" + newList[0]+ ""
      #endText = " " + newList[1] + " "
      newList = text.split(",")      
      begText = " " + newList[0] + " "
  endText = " " + newList[1] + " "
  lineNum = "{} " 
  lineNum = lineNum.format(n)
  tabCode = ""
  n = n+1

f = open("C:\\Music\\hot200\\demo.htm", "a")

Top 250 hits

\">") f.write(" ") f.write("
" + lineNum + "" + begText + "" + endText +"
") for i in range(len(thislist)): print(thislist[i]) f.write(thislist[i]+"\n") f.write("
") f.write(" ") f.close() print("")

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!